"Autism - Special Considerations and Naturopathic Treatment Options"
Presented by Lisa Yang, ND
As the rate of autism continues to shift and increase, the way we treat autism is also an ever-changing landscape. With the complex interplay between genetic predisposition and the environment, there are multiple factors and triggers that may have shaped the development of autistic behaviors in children. There have been many recent studies on impairments of basic physiological processes such as mitochondrial metabolism, essential metabolisms such as folate, carnitine, and immune dysfunction. Being able to identify these abnormalities can lead to a better understanding of any biological dysfunctions and individualized treatment plans. We will be going through patient cases and discussing testing and treatment options.
Lisa Yang, ND graduated from Bastyr University in 2014 and completed a two-year CNME accredited residency at Vital Kids Medicine in Seattle. She is now a full-time partner at Vital Kids Medicine and her focus is in adolescent medicine specializing in pediatric developmental and behavioral conditions including autism, ADHD, and sensory processing disorders.
Dr. Yang’s philosophy of medicine is centered around a holistic and integrative approach to treatment. By identifying the underlying triggers for inflammation, oxidative stress, toxin exposure, biochemical imbalances, and neurotransmitter imbalances, she is then able to work extensively with her families to prioritize biomedical options for their long-term goals.
When not working with patients, she spends her free time going on long walks with her husband, son, and miniature dachshund.