Board Certification
are you specialized in naturopathic pediatrics? Become a FABNP!
***Application period is now open - applications are due may 20, 2024 ***
The American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics – the board certification branch of the PedANP – provides the most rigorous additional certification available for Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) interested in pediatric care in North America. Designation as a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics (FABNP) requires meeting a strict set of criteria including:
2-year CNME-accredited residency focused on naturopathic pediatrics, as determined by the ABNP Board of Medical Examiners OR in practice for at least 5 years with 1800 pediatric patient contacts (approx 65% patient load) AND
Submit cases for review by designated examiners AND
50 CEs in pediatric-related topics
Applicants found to meet these criteria are then eligible to sit for the Board Certification examination.
Naturopathic physicians with a FABNP designation are committed to excellence in naturopathic pediatrics and to furthering the science and knowledge for the benefit of patients.
It is important to note that FABNP is not:
An accreditation of exclusion - FABNPs can and may see other patient populations aside from pediatric patients. In addition, doctors who do not hold FABNP accreditation are still qualified to see pediatric populations.
Without continued accreditation and education - To retain board certification a doctor holding a FABNP accreditation is required to recertify every 10 years.
Full Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following Board Eligibility Criteria prior to being allowed to sit for the American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics (ABNP) specialty examination:
Currently licensed ND in a jurisdiction whose license is acceptable to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians; and
PedANP Member in good standing; and
Applicants must meet at least one (1) criteria in each of the following categories:
Category 1: Experience, as approved by the ABNP Board of Examiners
i. Completion of a 1-year, CNME-approved naturopathic pediatric residency and a minimum of 3 years in practice with a minimum of 3000 cumulative patient care hours with 65% of the patient load in pediatrics; or
ii. Completion of a 2-year, CNME-approved naturopathic pediatric residency and a minimum of 1 year in practice with a minimum of 1000 cumulative patient care hours with 65% of the patient load in pediatrics; or
iii. Minimum of 5 years in practice, and a minimum of 5000 cumulative patient care hours over the past 5 years, and a minimum of 65% of the patient load for the preceding two years in pediatrics (1800 pediatric patient contacts); or
iv. Minimum of 5 years of naturopathic pediatrics research >50% time, and at least 5 research studies (not review articles) published in the peer-reviewed literature; or
v. Minimum of 5 years of instructing pediatrics in a CNME-accredited institution; or
vi. Minimum of 5 years as program director of a CNME-approved naturopathic pediatric residency program
Category 2: Cases, as approved by the ABNP Board of Examiners
Detailed case reports on 5 different pediatric patients demonstrating ongoing naturopathic management. If you have seen a patient for more than the required visit number, simply document the most relevant/interesting of those visits. Of the case studies:
One case of two sequential well-child visits during infancy
One cases of at least three visits over time of a chronic presentation
One cases of an acute presentation with follow up (total of at least two visits per case)
One case of a primarily psychosocial condition (depression, anxiety, autism, ADD/ADHD, OCD) with at least three visits
One cases including five separate office visits (related or unrelated) over the course of more than 12 months. Must include at least one well child check, no more than two well child visits as part of the five visits.
*Please include various conditions and age groups. Each case must represent a different patient.
Category 3: Post-graduate education, as approved by the ABNP Board of Examiners
i. 50 hours of documented pediatrics CME in the past five years
In order to become a Fellow to the American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics (FABNP), all of the above criteria need to be meet in addition to passing the American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics specialty examination. *IMPORTANT: Any information presented in this application is subject to auditing including continuing education hours, patient contact hours, etc.