Stomach aches in children
Additional Handouts Resources for Providers
Labs to consider: The following labs are recommended for chronic abdominal pain and alarm findings:
- CBC with diff, ESR/CRP, CMP, Lipase, Urinalysis, serological testing for Celiac disease (IgA, tTg-IgA), stool for occult blood. When indicated: pregnancy test
- Other lab considerations: TSH, free T4, IgE food panel, IgG food panel serum amylase/lipase, Stool for O&P and Giardia antigen, Stool culture, H. Pylori stool antigen or urea breath test, pregnancy test, PANS/PANDAS, Endoscopy/colonoscopy, XR/US or CT scan
Overarching treatment considerations (for providers only)
- Diet diary, food elimination, and reintroduction, GI inflammation reduction
- Probiotics, bitters, digestive enzymes, demulcents, motility agent
- Eating habits- sitting/on the go, timing of day, cooked/raw, balance of nutrients, abrasiveness, nutritive agents
- Treating nervous system: nervines for anxiety, sleep hygiene, paresis, homeopathy
- Movement and exercise
1. Chitkara, D. K., Rawat, D. J., & Talley, N. J. (2005). The epidemiology of childhood recurrent abdominal pain in Western countries: a systematic review. Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG, 100(8), 1868-1875.